Caddis Healthcare Building 60K-Sq-Ft Medical Office In The Dallas-Fort Worth Suburb Of Frisco

One of the state’s largest medical-facility developers, and whose portfolio includes over $1 billion in acquisitions and developments across the Lone Star State,, is set to build a three-story medical office for $12 million. The project will start construction at the beginning of next year and is expected to be finished in early 2024.

Healthcare Realty Trust Buys Denver Metro Medical Office Building For $14.8M

Located 19 miles south of downtown Denver, the three-story 34,685-square-foot MOB was completed in 2002 and hosts a surgery center. At the time of the transaction, the building was fully leased to a variety of medical users and practitioners.

GFH Financial Group Acquires U.S. Medical Offices Portfolio In $400M Deal

GFH has built a portfolio of assets in the U.S. MOB sector valued at $1 billion. In December, it acquired a portfolio of medical offices in the US in a deal valued at $200M. GFH’s partnership with Big Sky has resulted in a number of acquisitions totalling nearly $500M in the past six months. This transaction is the third in a series of joint acquisitions.