The Commons Park Medical Office Project In Jacksonville Breaks Ground

Planned for completion in the first quarter of 2023, the project comprises of two one-story buildings totaling 13,980 square feet. Jacksonville’s healthcare industry has benefited from migration trends to southern states, and the population growth has boosted demand for medical office space.

Some Rural Hospitals Are In Such Bad Shape, Local Governments Are Practically Giving Them Away

Tennessee has experienced 16 closures since 2010 — second only to the far more populous state of Texas, which has had at least 21 closures.

Real Estate Could Have A Role To Play In Alleviating Medical Staffing Squeeze

It could be commercial real estate to the rescue, at least partially, to help solve one of the industry’s most longstanding, yet persistent problems: healthcare’s chronic staffing issues. The CRE market is poised to be a partner in helping healthcare reconsider how it uses space for patient care.