
Healthcare Realty Trust Expands JVs To Boost Business

First KKR and then Nuveen add $1.4 billion in value to Healthcare Realty. Year-to-date, the real estate investment trust completed $800 million in joint venture and asset sale transactions, generating about $700 million in proceeds.

Healthcare Realty Trust Expands KKR Joint Venture

The value of the JV is now approaching $500 million. Healthcare Realty Trust Inc. and KKR are continuing to explore additional acquisitions for the JV, including the potential contribution of more Healthcare Realty properties.

Healthcare Realty Invests $400M To Expand Nuveen Joint Venture

HRT will contribute the assets to a new joint venture in two phases. The first phase, which should be completed in August, will see the contribution of eight current HRT properties valued at $193 million.